My name is Alvin C. Romer. You may know me from The Romer Review. I'm a writer, educator, and scholar. The humanities, whether it's music, the arts, or literature, is one's muse, and should cater to the creative spirit nurturing that which soothes. Literally speaking, I aim to share my thoughts and views of my writing life, and beyond. Shadow me on this journey, and let's create synergetic significance!
Monday, August 29, 2011
The Romer Review's LITERARY SHOWCASE Presents…Lorraine Elzia

Monday, May 30, 2011
The Romer Review's LITERARY SHOWCASE Presents a Compilation of Short Stories

The author, Wilbert Gibson by his own account is an old man, but from what you'll gather by reading his latest book, 'Scratching for Daylight', you'll discover that he happens to write with a prolific pen! Everything indeed is on the table with good taste where words of wisdom are in order for applicable initiative. I look at Mr. Gibson as an epitome of this! From experiences shared from his long life, he's a wise, experience man who has suffered many hard times, and made more than his share of mistakes. However God has blessed him to overcome obstacles and instilled a literary gift to write great stories. With that said, all stories are not created equal, but those told from Biblical mindsets tend to be of more value when parallels are drawn to today's everyday existence. Thus, it's the present things from different perspectives that I introduce my opinion about the scratch for daylight.
Human nature when confronted with blind awareness tend to panic and hope for the brighter side of darkness. We are gluttons for punishment if and when there’s the perception of no solution for applicable initiative. But human nature also lets us know that if there’s a will, there’s a way...especially when there’s legitimate analogies to draw parallel to certain topical issues with good copy. ‘Good copy’ in this case can be exemplified by the contents of the book, ‘Scratching for Daylight’. Wilbert Gibson is the author and knows quite a bit about darkness. He portrays the frailties of typical life struggles and strength using real life experiences. It’s my opinion that a story should be an analogy illustrating a strong point of contention, and this book is an eye-opener with 13 poignant stories provoking self-examination. I asked myself what made each of the stories therein synonymous with each other? After further examination, I found it relative to the Biblical book of Ecclesiastes dealing with life within the boundaries of human experience where adverse conditions. I also surmised that Mr. Gibson went to great lengths in building a foundation for this stories to be enduring monuments where the control of destiny (or lack of same) can achieve a state of secure and lasting happiness -- people laboring at life with an overblown conception of human powers and consequently pursuing unrealistic hopes and aspirations, albeit in darkness. To wit: The first one depicts Western Africa during the days of the slave trade. It’s a compelling ditty about the circumstances of capture and the horrors of the middle passage.
Then there’s the story of a gang banger, murderer, and prison snitch, who after twenty-eight years in solitary confinement, finally finds himself with God’s favor as an anointed servant. An epitome is like that, especially in the case of another man on death row and the situation that sealed his fate; You will read about parallels to light and dark and where one can go from corrupt to correct and from perseverance to purpose. It’s all here! You will find a frantic mother of a church pushing the panic button, who had resigned herself as a goner eventually finding solace from rays of hope. been given up on, and was on the way to her final resting place. Through the vision and vigilance of an old Deacon, you will witness that blissful paradise of the New Jerusalem, and my favorite one -- ‘The Future of the Black Church’. This book delves into the raw struggles of human existence and it's ultimate meaning.
I loved this book because of its parallels of the profiles of courage that gave each story a day in the sun where darkness wouldn’t define them as failures. This is a good book to give readers what sacrifice is about and for the sake of struggle why some of the stories within reason doesn’t flow smoothly...they meander with jumps and starts, through the general messiness of human experience to which the author gives ample responses for light. There is also underlying, if not an intermingling of poetry and prose where Mr. Gibson uses both first and third person voices. Nevertheless, the book outlines reflections, at least in a general way, the reasons its main discourses. should be illustrated for illumination. I have no problems rating this book five stars out of five. Read it and be enlightened! For more of Wilbert Gibson's wit and wisdom, follow him on his blog: http://scratchingfordaylight.com/bills_blogs
Monday, March 07, 2011
The Romer Review's LITERARY SHOWCASE Presents Author, Rosalyn McMillan

She wants to fly with her own wings, and still be recognized as one of the better writers in the industry despite some of the pitfalls that writers are prone to fall into. Time and place oftentimes are apropos for settings to fuel what’s needed to put the pieces back in the puzzle for legitimacy. The Fountainbleu area of West Miami was the perfect setting for author Rosalyn McMillan and I to see what has been missing in our lives both as platonic friends, and authors who have been away awhile and to get back to now! Our chats talking about the business and the craft of writing took place at Dunkin’ Donuts coffee shop on several occasions. How often is it when you can get one-on-one exposure with one of your favorite authors? Well, after being away for ten years I welcomed her as I hope you will. I had a chance to really talk to Rosalyn and she shared tidbits of information that sheds light on her persona for you to truly take her serious this time around. Here’s what she had to say:
ACR: Rosalyn, I want to thank you for making yourself available for this interview. We've played e-mail and phone tag, which suggested that you've been toiling away at getting your new book out to the public. Tell the reading audience about yourself...who is Rosalyn McMillan and why should she be taken again seriously as a writer of fiction?
RM: I'm a very passionate writer. I work hard and try to do the best job I can. I take my job seriously. I love writing fiction. I have dozens of stories that I want to tell. I have a good work ethic and only read good fiction. I stay on task, and will work fourteen hour days if I'm behind schedule.
ACR: It’s been awhile since the last Rosalyn McMillan book was on bookstore shelves, what have you been doing since?
RM: I've been selling cars, bridal dresses, furniture and Jenny Craig.
ACR: Doing the time of your hiatus, how do you view the current industry on whole and what do you perceive as your greatest challenge?
RM: The industry has changed tremendously. There aren't as many African American writers out there and few are getting new contracts. My greatest challenge is to make the New York Times best-seller list.
ACR: The name McMillan is somewhat revered in African American literary lore. What are the pros and cons being the sister of Terry McMillan?
RM: I'm proud of our last name. The name, McMillan, is really respected in the publishing industry. Some of Terry's fans think that I'm trying to ride on her coat tails. That is so untrue.
ACR: Let’s talk about your new project, ‘We Ain’t the Brontes’. Why are so excited about the book and where did the title come from?
RM: I'm excited because no one has written about two African American literary sisters before. I have another sister that's written a book, so it's really three of us like the Bronte sisters. The title came from the Bronte sisters, but we're nothing like them. When we get mad at each other, we cuss each other out. But we always make up.
ACR: I love the premise of the book centering around aspects of sibling rivalry... is this story loosely based on any personal or real time antics between Terry and yourself? If so, to what effect. If not, then explain further.
RM: This book is not based on any real time antics between Terry and myself. It's totally fictional. However, Terry did want me to hyphenate my last name with my married name. I refused. I promised my mother before she died in 1993 that I would use my maiden name. I'm keeping that promise.
ACR: What was the journey life for you writing the new book, including convincing Urban Books that they should consider giving you a chance?
RM: It was invigorating writing a new book. I already have nine more completed that aren't published you. I hope to turn some of them into e-books. Carl was okay with the first book that my agent gave him, but he really wanted something a little juicier. That's when I thought of the Brontes. He loved the concept and wanted to buy the book.
ACR: Would you please give The Romer Review, and the reading public a sneak peek into your writing process.
RM: I rise at six. Drink two cups of coffee. Exercise, eat breakfast, and am on my computer working by eight. I work until five or six. I try to write a chapter a day. If I finish early, I edit, edit, edit.
ACR: Assuming that you're not ready to quit your day job, or lie dormant, what will change first and foremost about you and how you approach the literary industry?
RM: I'm medically retired from Ford Motor Company after nineteen years of service, and I get a pension, so I don't have to work a day job anymore. I'm hoping to get a bigger contract with my next book, it's a black man's love story.
ACR: At this point getting back into the mainstream of the industry, what would you like to tell your fans relative to future projects, your reemergence, and basically any other tidbits that would further accentuate your previous brand?
RM: I have an e-book coming out in February. It's a psychological thriller about a female serial killer. I'm planning on writing this book as the first of a series, like John Sanford's Prey series. The Memphis Police Department has opened the doors for me to glean information from their department. I went on crime scenes and look forward to going on many more. I want to do two e-books a year and one published book. I've been away a long time, and now I've got a lot to say. I hope my readers are receptive to it.
THE BOOK REVIEW: 'We Ain't The Brontes'
The questions has been asked many times -- “when will Rosalyn McMillan write another book, or where is Rosalyn McMillan?” The reading public knows that for she’s been missing for quite awhile with nothing to show for it, and she has been sorely missed. Well, the book everybody has been waiting for is here. ‘We Ain’t The Brontes’ is no way near any of the previous books written by this author, in my opinion but the vestiges of her storytelling prowess is still there to a certain extent. The story starts out slow, a bit tedious and doesn’t do a credible job in giving the characters more depth to bolster the storyline. The middle passage intensified a little, and allowed her themes to justify how jealousy, greed, and selfishness can fuel drama in sibling rivalry. Given the gist of the aforementioned, one would readily look for the characters to drive the story, especially for denouement in defining sound structural analysis for basic conflict and contrasting balance. The exposition of the story was good as it should have been with such a long introduction to the premise.
To wit: Charity Evans and Lynzee Lavender are sisters who happen to be writers, but their relationship runs hot and cold depending on what colors the author uses to shade the moods that usually accompany the angst of different brush strokes. Lynzee, who can be depicted as a prima donna is living with a perceived silver spoon in her mouth due to previous writing success in the profession, while Charity is bubbling below the surface striving for legitimacy as a writer herself. The rising action which is the basic internal conflict, is complicated by the introduction of trivial secondary conflicts, including various obstacles that frustrate the protagonist's attempt to reach her goal. Key to this is Charity’s struggle to land another publishing contract that acceptable by both Lynzee and any publisher willing to give her a chance. It threatens Charity’s marriage and things get more convoluted when Lynzee reveals that she and Charity's husband had a love child that was given up for adoption years ago. Can Charity's handle this bomb without imploding the whole structure of her sanity and sanctity in lieu of concentrating on all of her other problems? Alas, the title. I'm sure ‘We Ain't the Brontes’ may mislead a few people who will want to go beyond the symbolism to assert it as a thinly disguised autobiographical sketch. But somewhere along the line, other parts of the canvas wasn’t given enough hue for the final picture to resonate on par with her other books.
Vestiges of Rosalyn McMillan’s prowess as a venerable storyteller in parts are here, but not enough. The secondary characters, including Charity's sons adds fodder to the shallow plot. I would have liked to have seen a subplot, or the type of backstory that would make the turning point meaningful and worth waiting for. The two strong messages in this book are reminiscent of blood being thicker than water, and that the covenant of marriage is not fleeting as it should embody serious overtones. As predictable as the ending was, it at least gave reference to both characters as sisters the ability to finally forge familial order. I rated this book three stars out of five, and feel that the legion of fans that believe that Ms McMillan is due acclaim with her peers may have to wait for the next offering.