Barrington, Your dream crystallized in your mind for quite some time. You first broached the subject to your family, and they never discouraged you. With this support and confidence you took your idea to those that had deep pockets that would give you the financial backbone to carry it forth. Despite a few stumbling blocks and minor obstacles along the way, you persevered. You never allowed doubt and people who said you couldn't reach your dream deter you from looking ahead.
And in the process you let everyone who wanted to hear that it would only be a matter of time. Opa Locka airport never would be the same as you and your throng of well wishers came out en masse for the genesis of your attempt to be the first and youngest of your race to fly around the world. We were with you every step of the way as we monitored you at each stop...even concerned when you ran out of money and had to wire home for funds; or when you weathered storms trying to get to each point; and even when you had delays, which lengthened the trip, some.
As the days rolled on, we felt more butterflies as anxiety inched up the ante for your return. Young people the world over were giving the high five sign and grinning from ear to ear knowing that history was being made, and that a person that looked liked them were just as proud. You landed finally, and the multitude of people there to great you understood as you circled the airfield twice signaling your presence. We knew that this was your signature, and we saw legibly that it indeed was you! This unique achievement will be there for other triumphs to give our youths a chance to know that they too, can dream. You did it, and we are proud!!
Thank you, ever so much - Alvin C. Romer
To read a related essay, please click onto this link: http://alvincromerverbatim.blogspot.com/
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